Natural Remedies for Bug Bites

Natural Remedies for Bug Bites

In line with this month’s travel theme and the peak of summer I’d like to share with you some information about bug bites.  While I’m not aware of anyone who enjoys being bitten by bugs, people’s reactions to bug bites range from the mild annoyance to downright panic.    Potential health effects, prevention and treatment of…

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Natural Summer Travel Remedies

Natural Summer Travel Remedies

by Dr. Stephanie Yarmenko, ND The glorious days of summer are upon us; time for road trips to the lake, the mountains, and plenty of outdoor fun.  Along with this comes the inevitable risk of sunburn, bug bites, tummy troubles, and bumps ‘n bruises.   Some common sense basics for prevention along with a handful…

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Natural Popsicles Recipe

Natural Popsicles Recipe

Beat the heat this summer with this delicious and healthy Natural Popsicles Recipe ! Made with fresh ingredients like organic coconut milk, juicy strawberries, raw honey, and lemon juice, these popsicles are the perfect sweet treat for any day. They are simple to make and will be ready in just a few hours in the…

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The Truth About Cosmetics and Our Health

The Truth About Cosmetics and Our Health

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and it seems everywhere you go, you notice pictures of little pink ribbons on everything, including cosmetics and personal care product packages.  We assume that if there is a pink ribbon on the box, then the product is “good”.   What if some of the ingredients in the product…

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Stress and your Health

Stress and your Health

Stress.  What do you do when you hear or see that word?  Do your shoulders tense?  Does your stomach tie itself in knots?  Or do you roll your eyes thinking “here they go again”?  Stress is a huge topic and we hear about it all the time.  Experts claim that up to 90% of doctor’s…

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Tips for better Sleep Hygiene

Tips for better Sleep Hygiene

SLEEP ENVIRONMENT Start improving your sleep by setting up your room in a way that will enhance your ability to get a restful sleep.  Spend a few minutes TODAY getting your room cleaned up, clutter free and make it as dark as possible. Remove anything from your bedroom that isn’t absolutely necessary. Keep it neat…

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Achoo! All About Allergies in Kids

The snow is finally threatening to melt and cabin fever is reaching its peak.  We can all breathe a sigh of relief that we can finally get the kids outdoors without the hassle of extra sweaters, snowsuits, boots, mittens, hats and scarves.   If you are noticing that your child seems to be getting a cold…

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What are Febrile Seizures?

What are Febrile Seizures?

There can be nothing scarier to witness than if your little one has a febrile seizure. These seizures can happen during a fever when your child’s body temperature rises rapidly. Don’t worry though, once their temperature reaches a high point and stays there, the chance of another seizure is very unlikely.  A seizure is likely…

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Understanding Fevers in Children 11 and Younger

Fevers are a common symptom in children and can be caused by a variety of illnesses, both minor and serious. While they can be concerning for parents, fevers are actually the body’s healthy response to fighting off infections. So, what exactly is a fever?  A fever is simply an elevated body temperature. The average normal…

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“Should I be taking a daily multivitamin?”

“Should I be taking a daily multivitamin?”

A question I often hear is “Should I be taking a daily multivitamin?”  The answer to this question is an emphatic “maybe”.  With so much controversy surrounding our nutritional status due to poor diet or depleted soils leading to lower mineral levels in food, it is understandable why many people believe the only way to…

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