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Top 5 Superfoods for Detoxing

Top 5 Superfoods for Detoxing

OK.  So if you ask me, I think food- real food- is super.  But for the sake of compiling a list, the following are the Top 5 Superfoods for Detoxing.

  1. Turmeric – Do spices count as food?  I don’t think it matters when you’re talking about turmeric.  Known to be a super supporter of your liver, (your primary detoxification organ), turmeric has even been found in research to help regenerate damaged liver tissue.
  2. Mustard greens – Your mom was right to tell you to eat your greens.  Dark greens in the mustard family, (think broccoli, kale, cabbage etc.) contain compounds that help your liver detoxify better.  As a bonus, you get fibre to help regulate your bowels, too.
  3. Cocoa – One of the best anti-oxidants out there, high quality dark chocolate will help rid you of those nasty free radicals scavenging your body.  Who said detoxing couldn’t be tasty?
  4. Bee pollen – Jam packed with vitamins and other nutrients, bee pollen contains all the essential components for life.  Feed your cells with what they need in order to support natural elimination of the stuff you don’t.
  5. Dandelions – Yes, you read that right.  Dandelions are great for helping you detox (as long as they haven’t been sprayed with chemicals).  The root is a known liver tonic and the leaves have diuretic properties to help eliminate water soluble toxins through your kidneys.  Who knew your front lawn was actually a homegrown detox farm! 

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Dr. Stephanie Yaremko

Teaches wholesome practices for individuals and families who want to take health and happiness to the next level.

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