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cold and flu season is here

Register for this FREE class with Dr. Stephanie Yaremko

A Natural
Approach to

cold & flu season

With the right information and natural remedies, you can build stronger immune systems in your children. Join me for a free 30-minute class and get my best tips on creating a healthier home with supplies you already have in the kitchen.

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enjoy your winter and all it's festivities and outdoor activities!

Topics Covered During the Class

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Understanding the
Immune System

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The Truth
about fever

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Keys to supporting
the Immune System

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Colds and Flus
in children

About Dr. Stephanie

Hi! I'm dr. stephanie

I am truly passionate about growing healthy humans and families, from babies to great-grandparents and everyone in between, with special interests in fertility support for both partners, infant and children’s health, and sleep. When I’m not seeing clients, I can often be found soaking in the sunshine, jumping in puddles and digging in the garden with my family!

Health is about so much more than an absence of disease. It is a dynamic process involving mind, body, spirit and community, often profoundly influenced by lifestyle – and I can help you to make make improvements across all spheres.

Want to build a stronger immune system in your children?

With the right information and natural remedies you can!

Join me for a free 30-minute class and get my best tips on creating a healthier home with supplies you already have in the kitchen.

enjoy your winter and all it's festivities and outdoor activities!