Do you feel

truly healthy?


Good health is the doorway to your dream life, and naturopathic medicine is your key.

If you truly want to live a healthful life, it’s important to understand that health is not merely an absence of disease but rather a dynamic process involving mind, body, spirit and community.

That’s why it’s so important to take a holistic approach to treating patients at all ages.

Whether you’re looking for support in managing unwanted stress or pain, keeping your hormones in check, or starting a family; holistic, naturopathic care can help.


Cold and Flu season is here...

And so is the information you need to protect your little ones.

With the right information and natural remedies, you can build stronger immune systems in your children. Join me for a free 30-minute class and get my best tips on creating a healthier home with supplies you already have in the kitchen.

Hi I'm

Dr. Stephanie

naturopathic doctor. acupuncture provider. vitamin injection therapist. medical micro needling therapist. mother.

I am truly passionate about growing healthy humans and families, from babies to great-grandparents and everyone in between, with special interests in fertility support for both partners, infant and children’s health, and sleep. When I’m not seeing clients, I can often be found soaking in the sunshine, jumping in puddles and digging in the garden with my family!

Having worked and traveled in several countries across Europe, Asia and Central America, I have developed a knowledge base that is as deep as it is broad. I have worked with pediatrics, infectious disease, chronic illnesses, and women's health as a primary care physician, injury prevention and management, and performance optimization as the in-house naturopathic doctor for the Alberta Ballet – and through all of these experiences, I came to a critical understanding:


Health is about so much more than an absence of disease. It is a dynamic process involving mind, body, spirit and community, often profoundly influenced by lifestyle – and I can help you to make improvements across all spheres.

Made up your


Get your body and soul on board with these services:

Fertility support

Moms and dads-to-be often need support to optimize their health, improve their ability to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy (naturally or assisted), and understand how the pieces fit together on their journey.

pregnancy wellness plans

Natural medicine is a great addition to conventional care to support a healthy pregnancy and reduce the impact of nausea, stretchmarks, back pain, emotional imbalance and more.

well-baby check-ups

I do visits at 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 months. At each visit, we'll discuss recent development, take some measurements, do a physical exam and talk about what comes next on your journey as a parent.

stress plans

When life gets overwhelming, I am here for you – whether you need a simple tweak in your routine or extra support to manage.

natural hormone support

PMS? Menopausal symptoms? Andropause? I can help you discover the cause of your symptoms and get back on track.

pain treatment

Pain occurs for a variety of reasons and requires a multi-faceted approach to alleviate it.  Your plan may include diet, exercise education, counseling, acupuncture, natural anti-inflammatories or a combination.

natural travel medicine

As an avid traveler who has visited all seven continents, I can offer you tried-and-tested health advice on the best natural remedies for everything from jetlag and sunburn to traveler’s diarrhea and bug bites.

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Are you ready to change your life for the better? I’m here to support your growth in any way I can – just reach out and let me know what you need.

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